1: What is PLR?

Private label rights (PLR) is content you can use as your own and re-brand. PLR is sometimes called Done for You Content, Readymade Content or White Label Content. Learn more about all the various rights that come with your content now.

2: Can I resell the PLR content I purchased to others?

Yes of course. You can take PLR content and sell it to your customers, but depending on the particular right that comes with it. Learn more about all the various rights that come with your content now.

3: What about duplicate content concerns with search engines?

Search engines consider “duplicate content” to be websites that have the same content repeated on multiple pages for the sole purpose of getting traffic. If your website has the same PLR content as another site, search engines won’t care. That’s not considered duplicate content and it won’t hurt your ranking or the other website owners.

Duplicate content results in a thin site that offers no value to users. Especially when spammers would create repeated pages on their websites and all the pages have the exact same content.

4: Wouldn’t it be copying or plagiarizing to use this content?

No. Private label rights content is created with the intention that customers will use it on their own website and in their marketing materials. We hand out the various licenses for our products to be utilized and are delighted to come across our content on various websites.

5: How can PLR help me grow my mailing list?

You can use PLR products to create a bonus gift to use in multiple opt-in pages. If you have opt-in areas on your website, you’ll get more subscribers for your mailing list. The more your mailing list grows, the more people you have to share your products and services with.

6: What are the benefits of using PLR? I mean, shouldn’t I just write it myself?

Using PLR saves you time. We’ve got lots4 of topics that you’ll find useful. You could spend 4-8 hours writing and editing just one report or blog post series. That’s before you factor in the time it takes to format your content, schedule it, and promote it on social media.

But if you use our PLR, you can take a content pack and turn it into a post series or PDF report in less than an hour or so. This lets you boost your productivity so you can publish even more content for your hungry community. Not only do you save time creating content, you also have content that your community will enjoy.

7: Can I use the PLR I bought more than once?

Yes of course! This can be a great way to get the most value from the content you bought from us. You can take a series of blog post PLR and bundle it to make a short report or turn it into an auto responder series. You can also take small snippets from those same blog posts and use them as updates on social media. The possibilities are endless!

8: Why is some content called PLR, RR or MRR? What’s the difference?
9: How can PLR content be used to increase my profits?

You can use PLR content to create a sales funnel that your customers can travel through. On your website, you can post PLR on your blog and entice visitors to sign up for your mailing list. Post PLR content to social media so visitors can come to your website.

Then you can create an auto responder series from PLR that sells your latest product or service. PLR is a fantastic way to quickly create multiple products and build highly responsive mailing lists.

10: Is there such a thing as audio and video PLR?

Yes of course! PLR Content comes in a variety of formats including audio and video. We have audio and video formats available on our website, just for you.

11: What if I don’t like the PLR content I’ve bought?

Remember, you have the right to rewrite, remove, add to or make content say more of what you want. It’s normal to make a few changes to the content you bought.

12: Can I put my name as the author on the PLR I buy?

Yes, you can. Check to see the particular rights that come with the product purchased Learn more about all the various rights (PLR, RR or MRR) that come with your content now.

13: Can I mix different PLR content together?

Yes! You can mix and match products in any way you choose, provided you’re following the terms of use (license). This can be a great way to create content that’s unique to your brand. Buy 3 or more article from us and turn it into a blog post. Then grab more articles and use it as a content upgrade.

14: Do I need to change or edit the PLR content before publishing?

It’s totally up to you and that depends on how you plan to use the content. You can use as is or still go ahead changing or editing part of it.

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